Monday, July 30, 2012

P90X: Week 7!

I switched around my rest day this week, so today I did Kenpo! Watch the above video to see what kind of moves it involves. Kenpo does not teach you how to fight; it's a cardio workout. It's not a martial arts class. It's all about burning calories.
Honestly by this point I thought I'd be slacking and behind already, but I'm not! There were a few times this week, due to the fact that I didn't feel too great, that I sat around procrastinating my workout. But I always got it done!
It's finally starting to get a little more obvious that I'm making progress, at least to me. Yet again, I'm still bummed out that I let myself go this far, and gave myself so much work to do, but I'm finally getting somewhere after over a month.
My clothes are noticeably looser. It's obvious what I stretched out. Everything is starting to tighten in just enough to make me feel better in the morning. I have more muscle and stamina.
I've gone almost entirely back to the way I was eating last summer that helped me lose weight. Smoothies, almonds, healthy cereal, tons of water, granola bars, apples, and now turkey bacon instead of our usual thick flavored pork bacon. I can't deny having cheat moments and bending to cravings of not so healthy things, but overall I'd say I'm doing pretty good.
Tomorrow is day 50, and day 60 is the next big check in for progress. I've realized I'll probably not be where I want to when it's over, but I've already promised myself I'd just keep doing a different kind of P90X. I always tally my days on our whiteboard calendar, and for some reason that always makes me feel accomplishment. I earned the right to say I made it another day.

Friday, July 27, 2012


  I want to write something I just don't know what; I'm here anyway. My last blog challenge is long over, and I didn't want to post another stupid survey since that was two entries ago. All I really have today is more complaints, which is lame.
  It's days like this I feel like deleting or just giving up on my frequented social accounts. I should be doing something better with my time but I'm not.
  I want to write a book, I want to perfect the art of drawing on my tablet, I want to know how to use Photoshop for more than just .gifs other people have probably already made, I want to ride a bike to a body of water and sit there with a drink and just stop caring. But everything is easier said than done.
  I feel anything but at home here.
  I miss Arizona; I want to do all the things I hardly ever did there. I want to go on a hike but not here. I miss the dells. Sometimes I think I'm still there and I'm just being a hermit for no reason, but then I look out the window and I remember.
  This change has been really really terrifying and I want to get used to it and be happy but it's just not happening. I've given up on Oklahoma, my hearts not in it knowing I'm most likely leaving it in about three months.
  Michael reminded me that projections are just a really big probably. As in, you're probably going here, but hey, we might pull that out from under you at the last minute. This is not the life for me but I'm going through it because when you find that one person for you it's important to do what you can to show them you love them.
  This too shall pass, and all that stuff. Five years ago everything was completely different, and five years from now has the potential to be just as drastic. I hope I'm stronger then, I hope I'll have made progress.
  I wish could manage this blog better, but I don't have a super expensive camera and I don't do "Movie Mondays" or "Things I Love Thursdays." Even if it looks nicer than it used to, it's still just another under-the-radar journal and you'd probably rather read something else, something with a brighter attitude and more appealing aesthetics, something that makes more sense.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


  Last night we came home after a night out, and were just minding our own business in our house when our neighbor knocked to tell us he saw our dogs run out of the back yard. Neither one of them have gotten out since we put zip ties all around the gaps and filled the holes. Turns out, our back gate was wide open. The zip ties had been cut.
  The back gate seemed untouched. Did they decide to climb over it? Why bother cutting the zip ties? I am so creeped out by the fact that someone did this. If it was harmless, and they were cutting through to get to the back alley for whatever reason, I feel like they wouldn't have stopped to take the time to sever the zip ties. Seriously, why?
  I don't like this neighborhood. It seemed harmless enough when we got here, and cops show up when needed every so often which means they're pretty good at their job. But the people here don't seem to have any sense of boundaries or personal space.
  The first time my army wife neighbor and I noticed this was when an old man carrying a box of junk cut across our driveway, a few feet away from our window, and through my neighbors rose bush. And more than once someone has knocked on our door or shouted at us if they can cut our lawn. We have a lawnmower, we're perfectly capable.
  Next was when I got a knock on the door, alone in the house, and was greeted by a rail of a guy who wanted to know how much I would take to sell my car. He had parked his (or a friends) p.o.s of a car, peeling paint included, right behind mine in our driveway. My car has gotten me to and from a lot of places. It's very reliable and I've had little trouble with it. Not to mention it's our only mode of transportation. I said, do you see a for sale sign on it?! He kept pestering me until I had to tell him to leave.
  After that I was again home alone, in the middle of doing yoga, when another stranger knocked. I opened the door to an older man with a gut and a stained white shirt that said "worlds greatest grandpa." The first thing he said was "Is your dad home?" After I gave him an unabashedly rude look he corrected himself "...or husband?" He asked if we were the owners of "the two little dogs." I thought he was going to tell me something terrible, like one of them got out and he hit it with his car. He beat around the bush until finally asking if we wanted dog kennels. Do I look like I don't provide for my dogs? I felt kind of insulted, and sent him away too.
  I feel so....watched here. People looking at my car, my lawn, my dogs, my yard. No one seems to know what Private Property means. In Arizona we had the occasional friendly chat across the street or over the fence after we decided they were approachable. Sometimes we got people looking for dogs, or selling something, but it never seemed creepy. I guess I just always felt safe there. Nobody ever hopped our fences like they own the place because they needed a short cut, or scoped out our cars.
  I just want to get out of here. The longer we're here the drearier it seems and the more I hate it. We'll know this week or next week where we're being sent. I really really hope it's Ft Bliss, Texas and nothing else.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Things You Didn't Know (And Probably Didn't Need To)

I'm such a sucker for these stupid questionnaire things. They just come in handy when I'm as bored as I am. However, I'm looking at several surveys and taking questions I actually want to answer and posting them here.
1. Have you ever crawled through a window? Yes, I believe so, but it was a long time ago. Freshmen year of high school I was busy doing all kinds of stupid stuff I shouldn't, and I know I crawled through a window for one sneaky reason or another.
2. What is your guilty pleasure? Girly movies and bad tv shows. For example, I'm all caught up on Teen Wolf and yesterday I watched Aquamarine and Princess Diaries.
3. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? I think so, actually. When Michael and I got back together in 2010 we stayed up all night talking, went to breakfast, and I was too happy to sleep all day.
4. When was the last time you talked to your most recent ex? Well we didn't exactly officially date but the last time I talked to him was two years ago. The other big ex, three years ago. I'm kind of sad about that actually. I'd just like to know they're doing well.
5. Do you think you're a good person? Overall yes. I mean I've made some selfish decisions in the past and been a complete idiot, but I usually try to make things right and apologize. I like to think I have strong morals, too.
6. Have you ever been so drunk you blacked out? Once. It was funny hearing about the things I did at first, but then I realized how horrible it was and how lucky I was that I was safe that night. And I was pretty close to blacking out a few weeks ago at this couples apartment. I tried to hit an army officer. And I definitely took some clothes off.
7. What would you name your future daughter? This is terrible, but I don't really want girls. Saying that, it'll probably happen anyway. Michael likes the name Katarina and I like the name Amelia, but who knows.
8. Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? Pff, definitely. In 2009 that's all I heard, stupid made up rumors about me. All because of jealousy.
9. Have you changed much this year? Not in a huge way. I appreciate certain things and people more now that I'm not around them, and I'm trying really hard to get in shape and like myself more. But I don't know.
10. Does the future scare you? A little bit, yeah, just because I have no idea how it's going to go. Eventually maybe I'll stop being so scared and live a little more.
11. Would you ever shave your head for someone you love? If someone close to me got cancer and asked me to be bald with them I think I'd do it. I might buy a wig or two to wear once in a while but hey, it's just hair.
12. What would you do if you opened up your front door to see a dead body outside? Call the police, maybe go look at it and then completely freak. Call Michael. Start packing early just to feel better that we're moving anyway.
13. Think of a random person, and give them a message here, no names: It's never too late to talk if you want to.
14. What would you do if the doctor told you that you were pregnant? Now?? Oh my god I'd freak. I'd have to really think about what I would do. I have so many things I want to do before then. I don't want to be another young pregnant army wife with no career, as offensive as that sounds. It's just not me.
15. The most difficult thing to do is: let someone you love go and move on.


We got a scratching post for Ramses the other day, and it originally had a ball on a springy string attached to it. She took care of that pretty quickly. But rather than be angry I discovered something: if I threw the ball she brought it back to me. Eventually, but most of the time pretty quickly.
I'm so entertained by this. At night before bed she'll do it for a good fifteen minutes before she gets tired. And even if I throw it and go to a different room, she'll be there, with the ball in her mouth. This morning I wasn't paying attention, so she jumped into my lap, dropped the ball, and pawed me with a little meow.
My dogs don't even get this. She's just so smart. And so silly. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Needy Cat

  It's been obvious from day one that Ramses, our cat, has a loving personality. But lately she's made it apparent to us it's hilariously more than loving; it's clingy, borderline needy. I've never had a cat with such personality, and I've had some silly cats in my past.
  When babies are very new and you leave the room, they decide if they can't see you you must be far away, maybe gone forever, so they cry. Ramses does the same thing. The first few times it happened I thought she'd hurt herself. It was that kind of a meowing.
  I know she's too small to jump up to her food, I've witnessed her fail. So now when I go to the kitchen she cries at me to lift her up. Michael said I was babying her too much until he noticed she really couldn't seem to get up there by herself.
  When we take showers, she seems to think we're drowning ourselves in another dimension. She cries as if again, we've disappeared. Yesterday I peeked out at her to let her know I was alive, and she sat in between the curtains on the edge of the tub until I was done.
  She doesn't seem to be happy unless we're babying her constantly, and it's so ridiculous. In a way I guess it's nice to have something around that needs me and makes me laugh. It takes some of the loneliness out of my days.

Monday, July 16, 2012

P90X: Week 5 Done.

This week was intense, but very encouraging. I'm feeling a lot stronger even after just one week of this routine and results are starting to show. I'm also really trying to cut back on some of the crap I eat, but still have a bad habit of eating the occasional Taco Bell and carb loaded pasta dishes. Still, drinking lots of water, eating more fruit, taking vitamins, and trying to make better choices at least once a day.
I get upset when I realize I've never been the size I'm trying to escape. It feels like it happened out of nowhere. I got depressed and lazy and I ate whatever and too much of it. But P90X is making me feel so much better day by day, and I really think I can do this. Once I finish the 90 days we'll most likely be in the middle of moving, but I'll be either doing the doubles routine or classic P90X after Lean.
I'm really still pretty far away from my goal. But I know I've gotten somewhere. I know it's bad to insult yourself but honestly sometimes if I don't I don't work as hard. I pushed myself this week, I even did some Just Dance on my Wii on Yoga day. I am so determined to make this next month count.
I feel stronger, more toned, and a lot more capable of doing the workouts. I did Kenpo this morning (I switched my rest day to yesterday) and I think I might even work out again later today.
I'm going to keep taking pictures because it's great to see results, even if it's small.

Stories via Instagram Photos

(From top right to bottom right):
Watched our neighbors get searched and busted by the state police from the narcotics division. They're still outside right now.
I'm trying to eat healthier and replace some of the junk in my diet, so this morning before my work out I had a grapefruit, turkey bacon and a fiber one bar.
Michael's bruise from his shots over a week ago, we thought it was a blood clot; he jumped through a ton of hoops to go to sick call only to be told it's normal.
Been hanging out with this lady and her husband the last few weekends. They just got orders for Korea; she's moving close to family instead.
Day 34 of P90X, today was day 36. I'm done with week 5!
Ramses new toy. She ripped the ball off and plays fetch with it.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 30: Confessions

My first confession is when I thought of the word "confessions" the first thing that popped into my head was this song:

   And then I watched the JennaMarbles video of this week and realized I had similar problems.
    Before I even eat breakfast I'm on the computer or checking something like Instagram on my IPod. In the words of Jenna, what the fuck is my life about? Sometimes I'm starving and I know I'm starving but it's really difficult to get my ass away from technology.
   And I check stuff that doesn't even belong to me, not in a stalking way anymore, more of an I'm-so-fucking-bored-please-have-something-for-me-to-read-or-look-at way. Several times a day. It's excessive and unnecessary. And I always get frustrated that people don't put things up on the internet as fast as I want them to. I have problems, clearly.
   I think it links to the fact that I'm fucking miserable here. Everything here makes me miserable and some days I don't have the enthusiasm to do any of the things I like or want to do. Some days the most exciting thing I do is leave the house to get Taco Bell with Michael on his lunch break. Some days I don't even leave the house at all. And yeah, I tried the job thing and hated it, and yes, I feel useless and ashamed that I don't have a job anymore, only because I feel like there are people out there waiting for another reason to say I'm not good enough. And because I'd really like to be able to buy things for myself but only because I have some sort of void to fill being this far away from home.
   Well damn I didn't even know I'd write some of that.
   This has been the most unproductive year of my life. It's been like one big long summer break where all my friends are out of town so I sit around watching episode after episode of shows like F.r.i.e.n.d.s and feeling sorry for myself. But really, there is so little to do around here. This town is missing the stupidest things that could improve it. And whatever it does have has terrible service and incompetent people working it.
   Most days I just think to myself "what's the point?" you know? I know it's terrible and pathetic but this is such a strange time of my life. I could've done this and I could've done that, sure, but all of the sudden the clock is ticking and we're getting our projections in the next few weeks. This is what I've been waiting for this entire time. And I am freaking out.
   I didn't/couldn't go to the Supai trip this summer I'd been looking forward to for three years because my best friend couldn't go, all of Michael's friends bailed, and Michael himself couldn't go because the army gave him two days off, and one day on before the weekend, making leaving impossible. Now everyone is back from the trip and talking about it and I don't want to hear any of it because it makes me really depressed. I don't even want to talk about going next year in case something happens and we don't go then.
  I'm back in this mindset where I'm so negative about everything but secretly hoping for good things just so I'll be very pleasantly surprised. I had a dream Michael got sent to Korea and when I woke up he said three guys got the news that that's where they were being sent and I cried because I don't think I want to go, it's too far, but I don't want Michael to go either.
   I just want to go home and have a normal life like everyone else my age. Go to college, rent a place, go out at night with friends and be happy. I hate that I can't just be happy with what I have, something is always missing that I want. But I think family around me isn't an entirely selfish want.
   It's nice to get all that off my chest. I have to go eat now, before I forget. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

View Spam? :(

In the last day and a half Blogspot claims that my pageviews have skyrocketed, which is cool but also kind of unusual. There's also a difference between pageviews and the number of people who look at my blog.
This is what doesn't make sense. There's that stumbleupon link that leads me to a spam website, and a lot of views on my most recent post but no views on the videos I talk about. But the views just keep coming, so I guess my url leaked somewhere and a spam bot is just poking my blog to up the views. I disabled tracking my own views a long time ago.
Here's the graph from a tracking site I'm signed up for. It says yesterday I had seven legitimate visitors and some of them went through different pages; still 29 views is a lot. But it contradicts blogger stats for today, saying that only one person has been here and gone through 2 pages.
I'm so confused! Why is my blog being spammed with fake views? That's not cool :(

Fixed Videos!

I went and got a Vimeo account today (as if I needed something else to keep track of in my collection of social networking accounts) in order to put up the video of my dogs, and realized I should also fix some videos I put up in the past.
This includes my dogs reacting to noises and hanging out with Stewie in AZ. I noticed when I went back and tried to play them to reminisce they were "currently unavailable" according to Google video or whatever it is that plays videos when uploaded straight to Blogger.
They look much nicer in Vimeo format anyway, and now there's no disappointment when people hit play.

A Dose Of Corgi: Cat Toy Madness

We originally bought this for Ramses but the dogs just go nuts over it! Toki gets so excited when she jumps she flops right onto her back like a dork. Or scratches my leg so hard it bleeds. Either one.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 29: The Future

   Most things I've seen relating to time travel warn against looking into the future or messing with the past. You might ruin it for yourself. Everyone has probably wanted to be able to see their future at one point in time. If you think you don't then I say you're a liar. If you had the chance to look from an invisible third person perspective into your future, would you really pass it up?
   I don't think I could. I'd try, but it would be extremely tempting.
If I had the choice I'd want to see what the next few years are going to be like, even just the highlights. If I had to pick a specific time, I'd say four years from now when Michael's contract is up.
   I hope to see that we've done well for ourselves. Hopefully I'll have a career started by then after a lot of school. I hope to see us moving back to Arizona or somewhere close to it like California. Maybe by then we won't be quite so terrified to start a family, but my sister in law says we're not allowed to have babies before her and her husband. Hey, fine with me.
   Of course there are things I hope I don't see, but I think anyone could guess. I dread deployments, separation, having to move further away from home, and not accomplishing what I want to in life because things keep getting in the way. That much is obvious.
   It's easy to hope for things but life never seems to turn out the way you want it to. I can only wish for strength to get through any difficulties ahead and happiness after the storms pass. Things have a way of working out the way they're meant to.
   On that note, Michael should be getting his projections (our next location) by the end of this month or the first part of August. I feel like I've been holding my breath for this news since I got here because I'm a planner, and I married into something that does not cater to planners. I've wanted to know this entire time what the next step is to prepare myself but we still don't know yet. Oklahoma has really sucked but I can feel myself getting used to it. We haven't even gone to Oklahoma City to explore yet. I'm sure that as soon as we start to branch out we'll get the news, and in September we'll be packing.
     All the couples have been talking about it more and more so it's kind of all I can think about. It's all I can do to distract myself. I don't pray often because I don't necessarily believe in that sort of thing but I find myself praying for Texas so we can be a weekend road trip away from home so I feel less crazy and alone. If Michael gets sent to Korea I'll be pretty upset. On one hand, it's an insanely rare opportunity. On the other, it's very likely I won't come back to the states at all for two years. If I move back to Arizona for a while, I'll again be separated from my now husband. Both of those sound like mixed blessings.
   I just don't know what's going to happen, and I wish I did. But like I said, whatever happens will work out for the best, and I'm sure it'll all come together the way it's supposed to.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 28; AKA Flashback Friday

This is where I should be right now :(
I'll finish this homemade challenge eventually, and then I'll wanna do another one...
Day 28 is about reliving a few months in whatever part of my life I liked the best, which is hands down the summer of 2009. Oh man. So worth it. It was when Michael and I first got together. We went on late night walks, hikes, our friends had theme parties, we went to Supai (which is where I would be right now if it weren't for the goddamn army) and it was just the best time ever.
I had to dig around my myspace account because a lot of photos were lost when my laptop died, but here are some favorites:
Ugh I miss Peavine Trail and the dells so much.

I miss Mikey being able to have longer hair.
Cross dressing FTW

Waterfalls, hammocks, tents <3
In the bug that took us everywhere; miss his gauges.

I miss the freedom of that summer! It was so wonderful. I really hope we can have something like this again when Michael gets out of the army, or hopefully we'll get stationed closer to home, or he can take leave and we can go on a real vacation. I'm going crazy here and all these delicious fun memories are all I can think about.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 4th 2012

  This was a very memorable fourth of July. I always tend to remember fourths because different equally memorable events seem to occur. Many of them have been sad or unlucky. I once decided fourth of July was cursed for me, because I always found myself thinking about a recent break up or just plain having one on that day. One involved Michael and I having a very awkward fight when we were dating in 8th grade, and I ended up crying on my friend Alex's shoulder and talking about explosives with another friend.

So yeah, fourth of July is always weird for me. I hope for something good but brace myself for drama.

Thankfully this years gone very smoothly! It was strange to be away from home and the traditions I normally partake in, but I got to experience a usual tradition up close and personal: fireworks. In Arizona you can't buy them or set them off. Sparklers, maybe. Designated areas, maybe. But I've always just admired them from afar.
Yep that sure is a tree on fire.
Here in Oklahoma, you're free to get as many fireworks as you want, gather up and set them off as you please. So Michael and his class and their families got together to do this at the lake about twenty minutes out of town. I've never ever experienced this before and for the first while it was pretty unnerving.
It was understandable that there were plenty of fire engines and ambulances and policemen standing by, as accidents are bound to happen. Someone not very far from us set a tree on fire, and in seconds it was blazing high. Just as quickly though, the fire fighters were right there and it was out.
We all had some different fireworks to share and we witnessed quite a lot. It was never quiet; they were going off all around us. I put up a few of our incidents on YouTube, like Mahoney lighting himself on fire and our finale fireworks toppling over and hitting a car and almost Michael's face.

I can't say I got the best quality of pictures, but I got a few good ones I'm fond of. It's hard when your camera runs out of battery and you have to rely on firework lights to illuminate the area so you can snap a picture on an IPod touch, but I did my best.
We set off some black cats at the lakes edge, and I was surprised to know that if you throw them in the water they still go off, so we giggled at the balls of light poofing to the surface for a while.
After we ran out of steam (and fireworks) and other people were starting to leave themselves, we decided to pack it up. We had some hookah and snacks outside our duplex before officially calling it a night.

And what a nice one it was :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day 27: I Wish I Could ___.

I wish I could make awesome things like this. I wish I wasn't so lazy, first of all, because I wish I could craft more, draw more and all the little things I see other people make or do that make me jealous. I know I'm capable and all it would take is some practice to produce something I'd be proud of but I'm too hard on myself. I wish I could write a novel. I actually thought I'd have done that by now. I was so dedicated to writing when I was in school. I think it's just a weird time in my life, but I'm waiting for something to spark my inspiration again and passion to get it done.
 I wish I could skip forward to having a career and a house in Arizona. I wish I could learn to play a new instrument but I need the structure I had in school in order to do that. I wish I had some kind of awesome skill that would impress people on YouTube.

This video gives me goose bumps. Can I please just be him? Anyway, I wish I could do a lot of things. This was sort of depressing, why did I make this part of my challenge? Oh well.

Monday, July 2, 2012

P90X Check In: Week Three Done!

   I decided I didn't want to constantly make updates about P90X, definitely not daily and not even weekly, but I'm done with the first routine! Week three is over! I'm starting to feel a little stronger, some of the workouts are getting a little bit easier, and Michael says I look more toned! (Maybe he's just saying that because he's my husband, but I believe him.)
   I'm certainly not there yet. But the way I'm feeling now is encouraging, and there are more intense workouts ahead of me. My stomach feels just a teeny bit flatter and I see a little more definition around my hips than I remember when I started, so that's good. My legs feel tighter, too.
   The workout I have the most trouble with is Yoga. Right? You wouldn't think so; everyone who doesn't do Yoga or know much about it thinks it's just a bunch of stretching and relaxing poses for minutes on end, and little to no sweating is involved.
   You are wrong! P90X Yoga is insane; twenty minutes in I'm already sweating and that's the warm up. It's a lot of plank, push up, downward dog, runners pose, crescent pose, warrior poses and going all the way back to plank and doing it all over again just to get to a new position. And check this out:

   This is the new line up for the next week. Just the next week, and then I do something different for two weeks. I do like the fact that stretching is in there twice. It's a pretty chill hour of yes, stretching, but you do sweat a little. And Yoga twice?? Oh man. I'll be glad when that's over.
   I'm proud of myself though, I wasn't sure I'd actually get this far. I switched around a rest day a few times but I always did everything. It's one of those things that tires you out a lot and if you don't push past the initial hard stuff and feeling sore all the time you'll probably quit. I'm twenty one days in out of ninety and still willing! It'll be cool when I've done over a month. Even better when I complete it and I can look back on pictures and see how I've changed!
   I need a recovery smoothie :)

Updates and Buttons!

As you might've noticed if you frequent this blog, I recently did a complete overhaul of the layout and rearranged everything. I also created some buttons for anyone who would like to advertise for me; one for dog lovers and one for cat lovers! Look for them on the bottom left. 

What do you think? I like it, but I'm still making the occasional tweak here and there. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Another New Addition!

   Michael and I have a habit of making impulsive decisions together. Thankfully, in the end we tend not to regret it.
   Last night we were at a couples apartment just drinking and hanging out. She and I went outside because she wanted to try and teach me how to long board. I was a little too tipsy, it turned out, so we went back upstairs but ended up outside the door talking for a while. Suddenly a man walks up the steps with two kittens in his hands. Apparently he lives in the complex and needed to give these little things a home. He handed each of us one and was gone as quickly as he showed up.
   Well I'm a sucker for baby animals but I didn't want to assume we could have it. That's another mouth to feed, more things to buy etc. But as soon as Michael saw it it was over. His family has always taken in animals so he's always had up to eight pets at a time. And I really really missed having a cat around since my mom has four and even my dad had one. Once he had it in his arms and it sat on his shoulder like his cat Ebony used to we knew we were bringing it home with us.
   Honestly we're not 100% sure if it's male or female. My guess is female. Either way, we named this pretty kitty Ramses. Who cares if it's masculine or feminine? We named our female corgi after a male character in a show called Metalocalypse. No big deal.
   Ramses is so so sweet and so chill. Already litter box trained, very cuddly and doesn't seem to care that Foxy and Toki keep investigating because they've never been around a cat. We let Ramses sleep with us and rather than wander around scared and meowing like I expected, we woke up to a curled up kitty between us and no problems.The transition has been virtually effortless.
   Our dogs definitely have that new baby syndrome. They're super curious and Foxy keeps cuddling up to me with a worried look on her face as if to say You still love me, right?? They're being really silly, but I think they'll get over it.