Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Dose of Corgi: WTF Is That Noise?

Toki and Foxy are doing great. We're all pretty much used to each other by now but they never cease to amuse or puzzle us with their reactions to the world. They get over excited/defensive at just about every new thing they experience. They bark at raspberry noises, they bark when we use the punching bags, they get excited when they hear big trucks with trailers going down the road, and just about any other new thing.

The first video is just me messing with them; playing a video from YouTube to see how they would react. Nothing too out of the ordinary.

But woah, whenever we mow the lawn (or our neighbor, borrowing our lawnmower), they think it must be out to get them. As a side note, I put them outside when I vacuum. So this is much noisier than that. 

 They're so funny and cute and ridiculous. We still need to get them adjusted to walks, however. You'd think they'd love it but they get very stressed out. Hopefully one day they'll get used to it.

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