Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Exercise Diaries

Those shorts are fitting a lot better than when I started, that's for sure.
  Another update, yes, mostly because lately I've been feeling really good about my progress, like I'm getting closer to my goal. I took my measurements after working out tonight, which is something I've only done three or four times in the six+ months I've been working out. I didn't want to obsess over it; and thank god I don't own a scale. It's hard to keep the "muscle weighs more than fat" mantra going when I know what numbers I want to see and I don't see them.
  Anyway, just since November I've lost where I want and gained muscle where it counts! I've kicked myself into high gear. Things started feeling too easy and I knew I needed to raise the bar to keep challenging myself. Since my last update I got my wish and got an elliptical for Christmas and that's been a huge part of my workouts. If I don't pair workouts with cardio I hop on the elliptical, pump up the resistance and go for at least half an hour. The other day I switched to a thicker resistance band. It made things considerably tougher and I should've done it a week or two ago. I also have integrated a routine I was having trouble with and will now be doing it weekly. To top it off, I forced myself to only have one rest day.
  My incentive has been the possibility of a vacation in the paradise that is the Havasupai reservation in the grand canyon. It'll be four years that I haven't been and I can't even believe it. It's a 12 mile hike in and out, and I hiked an average of five miles a day for the five days we were there. Almost fifty miles in less than a week! I remember coming back with gnarly calf muscles and scars from wearing in my boots. I absolutely want to be in shape, not only for all the hiking, but so I feel confident walking around half naked all the time, as is the way of being in a canyon in the summer. I knew I wanted to achieve my goal around my birthday (or the one year mark of when I started) but now I have an even more enticing reason to get into the best shape of my life.

Chalene Johnson
     In the end, I think I'll have Turbo Fire to thank. Tony Horton was the gentle dad that encouraged me to get started and teach me how to stay on track, but Chalene Johnson has been the crazy peppy mom that's determined to kick my ass with a smile on her face. They're like my workout parents. I haven't followed the class schedule I got with TF, but rather put together my own workout according to what I want, which is really easy to do and I'm sure I'm not the only one who does it. Once you get over the initial silliness of the aerobics class with an especially enthusiastic teacher it really gets the job done and using it has been the best decision I've made for myself in terms of fitness. I wish I'd found it sooner.
  I know I sound like an advertisement, but I really couldn't have done it by myself. I never really thought I'd be a workout video person (used to roll my eyes at my mom a little when she did it) but now I pretty much swear by it. As long as you push yourself and listen to what she tells you, the rest works itself out. I've gotten addicted to the workouts.
  Lastly I find myself pumped because today a new friend asked for my help getting in shape! I recommended Turbo Fire and she's coming over to try and workout with me and I'm going to help her figure out how to get started. I feel really giddy about it and suddenly am seriously considering becoming a fitness coach of some kind. It may take some time, but it's a possibility.
  There's no way in hell I'd quit at this point because I'm so excited to see where I'll be in a few months. I've turned the corner from maybe I can do this to hey I can definitely do this and it's pretty great.

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