Friday, March 16, 2012

A Delayed Day 14: Favorite Meals

I may have a problem. I might be just a teensy bit obsessed with playing that game Catherine I just reviewed the other day. It's all I can think about, and all I see when I close my eyes are blocks I have to move. The intensity with which I play it on top of watching two curious dogs has kept me far away from the computer.
So I decided when I got up I wouldn't even go to the living room till I'd gotten a few blog entries done. Hard life, right?
Anyway, my favorite meals usually involve bacon. The picture above is something I prepared myself. I could have breakfast food any time of day and be perfectly happy with it. I love lots of bacon, maple sausage, fluffy scrambled eggs and a toasted bread of some kind. One of my top favorites is biscuits and gravy. I never realized it, but Prescott is quite the early bird town. Meaning, it's sprinkled with the perfect amount of breakfast restaurants. Here the best place there is is Cracker Barrel. It's definitely better than Denny's, but I sort of miss going to shitty breakfast places like that with lots of people late at night. It's not really an option here. There aren't any cute obscure cafes to go to either.
Oo Instagram makes me a photographer right?
As for later-in-the-day meals I absolutely love Thai and Indian food. I used to like Chinese food before I'd really discovered the two, and now it's hard to go back because most of it is really bland and tastes...lazy. You know what I mean? There's a little hole in the wall carryout place in Prescott called Thaifoon and it's so authentic and delicious I could go there every day. Above is a version of curry Michael and I prepared. It's got chicken, potatoes, carrots, and peas in a yellow curry paste with tomatoes. I always serve jasmine rice steamed with cloves with this kind of meal. If my mouth isn't burning after two bites it's not spicy enough. Thankfully, the first thing Michael did when we moved in was buy a ton of spices to kick up meals like this, as the packet we bought for it was pretty weak. We have variations of curry all the time and I'll never get tired of it.
The other meal I enjoy is sushi. I love Japanese restaurants. There's a pretty good one here called Kobe we went to the other night, but I forgot to take pictures, and I don't feel like Googling an image. I heard my favorite sushi place in Prescott is closing, which makes me really sad. At least I got to go there one last time for my bachelorette night. My friend Julio was serving us so he gave me alcohol, which was pretty awesome. I'm still not 21 yet, but I'm older than every other person I meet here.

Well, before I go totally off topic I should probably call it. On to more entries!

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