Friday, July 22, 2011

Early Memories

The earliest I can remember is when I lived in Oregon. I lived there for almost two years until I moved to Arizona and started kindergarten. (I still remember my teachers name at Taylor Hicks Elementary--Mrs. Jarvi.) Anyway in Oregon we grew sunflowers in our front yard and I remember taking some inside and getting all the seeds out. I remember preschool a little bit; playing with magnets, and my first crush was on a little boy named Ryan. I had a neighbor friend, a little indian kid. We used to blast the macarena and dance like crazy little crackheads.
I also remember my first sparkler, still in Oregon. My dad brought me outside for it and I guess my mom was really mad. She thought I was gonna burn my face off or something. He didn't ask her. This was also the house were I got the scar on my forehead (very Harry Potter if I do say so myself). If you don't know the story it's a little embarrassing so I won't go into it right now.
It's weird how much I do remember if I sit and really think about it. But I also don't remember certain things that happened that my mom told me about later, like I guess we had a flood in our house.
My brain is weird. I remember my early childhood but there are so many bits and pieces missing after that, and I remember things later I completely forgot happened at all. And I have really vivid dreams so sometimes I don't know if what I remember is real or not. It's very confusing. I don't remember most of high school (but there are reasons for that) and I really don't care to remember pretty much any of middle school. Unfortunately it's a lot of bad stuff I happen to remember, not as much good stuff as I'd like. But that's probably not just me.
If I sit quietly and just let my mind wander it's surprising what I can dig up.

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