Day 6: A Photo Of Yourself and 30 Facts About Yourself
1. I have lived in the same house for almost 16 years.
2. I'm right handed, but I sometimes wish I was left handed, so I practice doing things with my non-dominate hand.
3. Since I was 11, I have always had a Game Boy, or some evolved model of it.
4. I was in Brownie Scouts from 2nd grade to 5th grade and Girl Scouts 6th grade to 7th grade. I quit because my troop was made of all of my friends, and all we did was goof off.
5. I had my first boyfriend when I was ten, some of you may know him as Stewie.
6. My middle name is Meagan-Rose. I don't like telling too many people because I think it's special. I especially don't like it being used when I'm in trouble.
7. I got my first piercing when I was 16 (my belly button) and my first tattoo when I was 17 (my bass clef heart on my wrist).
8. I have never broken a bone.
9. I hate spiders. I used to run from them but now I generally just kill them when I see them. It gives me a sick satisfaction, and makes me feel like I'm facing my childhood fears.
10. My very first impressions of people are almost always correct. I know whether or not I'll like them in the first few minutes of talking to them, and whether or not they'll play a role in my life.
11. I fucking love candy. And swearing.
12. Space scares me. It has to do with what I talked about on day five. I don't like looking at pictures of it and I don't want to know what's out there.
13. My favorite game of all time is The Sims. I've been playing it since the very first game was out and I have Sims 3, but my favorite is Sims 2.
14. I find it kind of funny that I used to be a quiet nerd everyone made was mean to, because I see a big difference in myself today. I wish I could go back in time sometimes and stand up for myself.
15. In grade school kids made fun of my ears. I'm still a little (but not as) self conscious about them.
16. I started learning to drive when I was fourteen on a dirt road between here and Cordes Junction.
17. I keep memories from relationships in shoe boxes in my closet.
18. In fact, I keep a lot of unnecessary things. I'm kind of a pack rat.
19. I didn't have cable TV or whatever everyone else had growing up. I had PBS. I blame this for how weird I was as a child, but I don't think I'm going to let my kids watch TV either. It's crap now and it'll be crap then. They can discover it on their own when they're older.
20. I know I don't need to wear makeup. I look fine without it, but I can't resist wearing a little if I'm going to work or school.
21. My favorite pajama pants are ones I got from an ex. They have robots on them. Everyone is jealous of them. :)
22. I like the cold better than the heat. It wakes me up and I like bundling up and cuddling under warm blankets.
23. I can find the good in people 9 times out of 10. However, there are some people that I just hate, and since I really don't hate that many people, you know I have a good reason or two. I give people lots of chances but sometimes just can't stand them.
24. I fucking hate Insane Clown Posse. I'm sorry, but most people who listen to them are white trash, crazy, or both and more.
25. I love anything and everything Japanese or just Asian, but Japanese is my favorite.
26. I took some Japanese in High School, but not enough. Hopefully I can keep studying it some time in my life.
27. I love 80's music. Usually the gay pop or elecro kind. I don't care who knows it. Crazy 80's clothes are awesome too. And 80's movies. Okay, I like a lot of 80's stuff.
28. When I was little I loved dragons and unicorns, and firmly believed in faeries. It's sad to think I'll never really have that magic spark in me again like I did when I was a child.
29. I never want to get divorced, ever. I'd like to go as far as saying I will never get divorced. I don't want to jinx it by saying anything else.
30. I'm a little bit psychic. If you don't know me well enough this sounds funny, but if you do you know what I mean. I have this way of tuning into people and things that surprises me often.
And now for a few more photos from the shoot I did today. Enjoy!
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