Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Trip pt. 2

So when we walked out of our room that morning, this is what we were greeted with. Canadian Geese. Birds kind of freak me out, especially bigger ones (the smaller ones are just annoying) so I really wasn't sure what to do, especially when I tried to sneak past them and was greeted by one nearly in front of me. Turned out it was injured tho, which was kinda sad, but animal control got called to help it.
Seriously though, it was really weird. Geese are scary. They hiss and chase you if you're a small child, like the one we had with us. And one group chased another group off of the little turf outside our door. Very odd.
After some frustration on Heather's part (she had to be on the phone for some time figuring some financial stuff out) we finally got onto the base and met up with our boys. Bases are strange. It's like a college campus surrounded by a tiny community. And they can be kind of confusing to navigate, but as long as you just keep driving you're bound to end up somewhere recognizable since there's only so much of it. We did get lost a few times though. And once again if you went slightly past the base area you'd find yourself in the ghetto. Old stores with broken windows and shit, not so good.

I look really weird but I was laughing.
We were safe though, nothing too major happened. Michael and I went on a walk around the hotel area and found that Virginia is not pedestrian friendly at all. I didn't see a single crosswalk. We were also definitely the minority, and having been in a place where I know maybe a handful of people that aren't white it was a little odd to realize. All of us went to a place called Huddle House and Mikey and I shared a ginormous meal. I tried grits, which are pretty good when mixed with a little bit of butter and sugar. Most of the food in Virginia was uber fattening and I do believe I gained a few pounds while I was there but I'm also fairly sure I've lost it already swimming in Phoenix so it's okay.

So Sunday I got dropped off at the airport. Mikey and I hung out for a bit, had some smoothies/coffee and looked at books. It was really tough saying goodbye at the security gate and rushing to my flight (I was one of the last people to board, since I doddled) and it was the first time I flew by myself but it wasn't a big deal. I got delayed in Atlanta because it started to rain, but I was in Phoenix by about nine. The three hour time difference really threw me off though, and I didn't sleep a lot while I was there in the first place. We were always up by eight in Virginia, which is like five in Arizona. I'm still adjusting and most days I'm up by nine, but sometimes I sleep till ten (woah!). Pretty weird compared to my old habit of staying up till the sun came up and sleeping half the day.

Anyway, that was that. You'd think it be easier since I "just saw him" but it's actually been harder. We talk every day now since he has his (shiny new) phone which is great but when I came home it was like starting all over again. I don't know how else to explain it. We'll get through it though.

Here's a couple more pictures:

To answer a few questions some people might be wondering:
1. Yes we got a little alone time. It was awesome. Enough said.
2. No we didn't secretly elope, though we talked about it. I'm positive now we'll be married by December but according to Mikey I'm not supposed to know that so Shh! :)

Phoenix is really sucking right now since I have nothing to do and I'm afraid of driving just about anywhere, but it won't last forever so it'll be alright. Plus, tomorrow I'm off to Prescott to see the midnight premiere of the last Harry Potter movie and right after that I'm goin' to Mexico for the weekend, so the next several days will be busy! I have my Tumblr all queued up so if anyone follows that it'll still be running.

Feel free to say hello sometime, I'm pretty much bored out of my mind.

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