Thursday, February 17, 2011

Frankenstein Blog Challenge

So the few other blog challenges I've tracked down have a lot of stuff I've already done, so what I decided to do is search the internet for what I feel are the best/most interesting bits, put 'em all together and do that. Hence the "Frankenstein" title.

Day 1: The Meaning Behind Your Blog Name
Day 2: Your First Love
Day 3: Something You're Afraid Of
Day 4: Your Nicknames
Day 5: Something You've Learned
Day 6: What's In Your Bag? Things You Don't Leave Your House Without
Day 7: Something That Stresses You Out
Day 8: Something You Could Never Get Tired Of Doing
Day 9: Things You Crave a Lot
Day 10: 10 Things You Want To Do Before You Die
Day 11: An Animal You'd Love To Have As a Pet
Day 12: Pet Peeves/OCD Habits
Day 13: Your Favorite Book(s)
Day 14: Your Favorite Song(s)
Day 15: Your Favorite Movie(s)
Day 16: Your Motto: Words You Live By
Day 17: Favorite Quotes
Day 18: Something You Want To Buy
Day 19: 3 Wishes
Day 20: List 20 of Your Favorite Things
Day 21: Your Dream House
Day 22: A Song Matching Your Mood
Day 23: A Photo Of Yourself From Three or More Years Ago
Day 24: A Bad Habit You Wish You Didn't Have
Day 25: Places You've Traveled To
Day 26: Favorite Super Hero(s)
Day 27: Songs You Listen To In Different Moods
Day 28: Something You Are Recently Proud Of
Day 29: Your Earliest Memory
Day 30: Things That Make You Think "What If I Had___Instead of___"

Since I'm about to leave town, I don't know if I should start it right now or not. I just wanted to make the list and have it ready when I am. It actually took a while to put together. And if anyone wants to do it too, feel free.

I can't wait to leave the world behind and go camping! I replaced the bladder in my "Camelback" which is actually a knockoff brand called High Sierra. The bite was leaking and in Supai this was kind of okay because it was fairly hot. But it's still kinda cool, and I didn't really want to go through the hassle of elevating the tube when I'm not drinking/don't want my right boob soaked. So I bought a new water bag altogether. It's purdy, and I'm excited to have it.

So I'm getting up at five or so tomorrow and headin' to Nevada! I don't know who actually keeps up with my blog; it's mostly just for my sake, but I bid you Adios.

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