I'm such a sucker for these stupid questionnaire things. They just come in handy when I'm as bored as I am. However, I'm looking at several surveys and taking questions I actually want to answer and posting them here.
Have you ever crawled through a window? Yes, I believe so, but it was a long time ago. Freshmen year of high school I was busy doing all kinds of stupid stuff I shouldn't, and I know I crawled through a window for one sneaky reason or another.
What is your guilty pleasure? Girly movies and bad tv shows. For example, I'm all caught up on Teen Wolf and yesterday I watched Aquamarine and Princess Diaries.
Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? I think so, actually. When Michael and I got back together in 2010 we stayed up all night talking, went to breakfast, and I was too happy to sleep all day.
When was the last time you talked to your most recent ex? Well we didn't exactly officially date but the last time I talked to him was two years ago. The other big ex, three years ago. I'm kind of sad about that actually. I'd just like to know they're doing well.
Do you think you're a good person? Overall yes. I mean I've made some selfish decisions in the past and been a complete idiot, but I usually try to make things right and apologize. I like to think I have strong morals, too.
Have you ever been so drunk you blacked out? Once. It was funny hearing about the things I did at first, but then I realized how horrible it was and how lucky I was that I was safe that night. And I was pretty close to blacking out a few weeks ago at this couples apartment. I tried to hit an army officer. And I definitely took some clothes off.
What would you name your future daughter? This is terrible, but I don't really want girls. Saying that, it'll probably happen anyway. Michael likes the name Katarina and I like the name Amelia, but who knows.
Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? Pff, definitely. In 2009 that's all I heard, stupid made up rumors about me. All because of jealousy.
Have you changed much this year? Not in a huge way. I appreciate certain things and people more now that I'm not around them, and I'm trying really hard to get in shape and like myself more. But I don't know.
Does the future scare you? A little bit, yeah, just because I have no idea how it's going to go. Eventually maybe I'll stop being so scared and live a little more.
Would you ever shave your head for someone you love? If someone close to me got cancer and asked me to be bald with them I think I'd do it. I might buy a wig or two to wear once in a while but hey, it's just hair.
What would you do if you opened up your front door to see a dead body outside? Call the police, maybe go look at it and then completely freak. Call Michael. Start packing early just to feel better that we're moving anyway.
Think of a random person, and give them a message here, no names: It's never too late to talk if you want to.
What would you do if the doctor told you that you were pregnant? Now?? Oh my god I'd freak. I'd have to really think about what I would do. I have so many things I want to do before then. I don't want to be another young pregnant army wife with no career, as offensive as that sounds. It's just not me.
The most difficult thing to do is: let someone you love go and move on.