I decided I didn't want to constantly make updates about P90X, definitely not daily and not even weekly, but I'm done with the first routine! Week three is over! I'm starting to feel a little stronger, some of the workouts are getting a little bit easier, and Michael says I look more toned! (Maybe he's just saying that because he's my husband, but I believe him.)
I'm certainly not there yet. But the way I'm feeling now is encouraging, and there are more intense workouts ahead of me. My stomach feels just a teeny bit flatter and I see a little more definition around my hips than I remember when I started, so that's good. My legs feel tighter, too.
The workout I have the most trouble with is Yoga. Right? You wouldn't think so; everyone who doesn't do Yoga or know much about it thinks it's just a bunch of stretching and relaxing poses for minutes on end, and little to no sweating is involved.
You are wrong! P90X Yoga is insane; twenty minutes in I'm already sweating and that's the warm up. It's a lot of plank, push up, downward dog, runners pose, crescent pose, warrior poses and going all the way back to plank and doing it all over again just to get to a new position. And check this out:
This is the new line up for the next week. Just the next week, and then I do something different for two weeks. I do like the fact that stretching is in there twice. It's a pretty chill hour of yes, stretching, but you do sweat a little. And Yoga twice?? Oh man. I'll be glad when that's over.
I'm proud of myself though, I wasn't sure I'd actually get this far. I switched around a rest day a few times but I always did everything. It's one of those things that tires you out a lot and if you don't push past the initial hard stuff and feeling sore all the time you'll probably quit. I'm twenty one days in out of ninety and still willing! It'll be cool when I've done over a month. Even better when I complete it and I can look back on pictures and see how I've changed!
I need a recovery smoothie :)
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