I put this up on Instagram but there wasn't any room to explain what happened yesterday when we took all of our pets to the vet. It was Ramses first time, and it was quickly apparent we should've gotten her in much sooner.
Not that she was sick or anything. No, she's in great health. But since she had to catch up on some shots she couldn't get her blood drawn for a FAVN test. Japan doesn't have rabies at all, so they have lots of laws to keep it out, including the extensive process animals (only dogs and cats) have to go through before being imported.
The timing couldn't be worse. Hey if we knew we were going overseas say, oh, three months ago we'd be good to go. Once their blood is drawn, they have to either stay in the states for a few months waiting for the results, or be kept in a facility once they get to Japan and be under a strict quarantine we have to pay for to keep them there.
The dogs got their blood drawn. But Ramses can't till next month. No matter what we do, our animals will have to stay behind for a certain period of time. Where? With who? I feel terrible.
Not to mention this two pet rule I'm trying to get around. Emotional Animal Support is part of the American Disabilities Act; it states that an owners pet must be kept with them as emotional support. It's something you have to get some kind of doctors note for, I'm not clear on the details. But nobody knew what I was talking about! My doctor didn't know so she told me to call the vet. The vet didn't know and told me to call them back.
It wasn't till I wandered around a different hospital on base and found a wing for EFMP (exceptional family members program) that I found a lady who knew what I wanted. But she too told me to leave and call somebody else on Monday.
I am sick and tired of this runaround bullshit. I have yet another doctors appointment on the 11th, and will probably have two more for overseas evaluation and any shots I need. We're running out of time fast.
Did I mention it's now three years if I go instead of two?
It's enough to make me want to give up and find a place in Arizona. Ugh but I can't.
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