Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 3: Guilty Pleasure Things

In middle school, sixth grade to be exact, I got really sick. I hardly ever got sick as a kid and still don't, so when I do it's either something I can get over quick or I'm vomiting everywhere and can't walk.
So this time I got sick my mom rented some movies for me since she had to go out. One of these was Sweet Home Alabama, a romantic comedy about a girl getting in touch with her twangy hoedown dancin' roots. It starred Reese Witherspoon, and since then for whatever reason every time I'm really sick or having a terrible day I put on a movie with her in it. Legally Blond (even the second one), Just Like Heaven, whatever.

Naturally Michael makes fun of me all the time for it. I don't care; I don't know what it is but this lady just comforts me. How can I feel completely 100% horrible when she's so perky and adorable? Sure she has kind of a funny face but she's good at what she does: making me feel less lonely and diseased. She's in a new movie called This Means War and there's a very high chance I'm adding it to my collection when I can.

 My other guilty pleasure at the moment is Neopets. I used to play it aaaall the time when I was like, ten years old, and even still played a little a few years later.
I don't know why, but I guess I was just really bored one day and got curious if it had changed much. It's too bad I couldn't get into my old account.
There's a few new Neopets and worlds and games, but it still pretty much functions the same way, and the things that were there before have hardly changed at all. Mostly I just like saving up money. I'll go and do all the silly daily stuff you can do, and in the two or three months I've been playing I just hit 200,000np in my bank.
Yeah it's pretty sad. But that's what this is about, guilty pleasures, so, thought I'd share.

I also eat way too much candy on a semi regular basis but that's pretty much a known fact.

And that's all folks!

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