A If you were an ANIMAL, what would you be? A red fox or a wild cat of an exotic kind.
B BOOKS: What's on your reading list? I want to read Freak Show by James St. James
C COMPULSIVE about anything? My dad makes fun of the way I arrange my snacks. I just want to make sure there's enough cheese for my crackers.
D DREAMS - Do you ... dream in color? remember your dreams? keep a dream journal? I dream vividly in color almost every night and usually remember them. I'll tell Michael and/or write them down and save them, but just in my regular journal with everything else.
E EATING - what's your usual snack? Wheat thins with cheese, apples and nutella, and almonds.
F A Few of your FAVORITE Things: Movies, Michael Bradley Cook, campfires, hoodies, laughing, rain.
G GIGGLES! What (or who) makes you laugh? Do you have a good sense of humor? Whether or not my sense of humor is good is a matter of opinion but I'd like to think so. Jim Carrey, Matthew Perry, Nick Swardson, Dave Chapelle, Michael Bradley Cook, certain things children say, animals doing silly things, I could keep going.
H major HOT Button: Like what makes me mad or what turns me on? I'm confused. I have a pretty short temper. People who don't know what they're talking about piss me off.
I I am ______________Chloé
K Also KNOWN As... Aliases? Screen names? Nicknames? Chlobo, Chloboat, Chlo, Chroe
L I LOVE ...the boyfriend, the band Clutch, japanese and indian food, Invader Zim.
M How do you feel about MEETING people? Do it all the time? Rarely? Parties or 1-on-1? I'm hesitant to meet new people, just because I don't see myself staying in touch with them. I don't do it often, only at school. Definitely prefer one on one.
N What's the story of your NAME? were you named after anyone? Do you go by a nickname? Any aliases? My mom got my name from a brand of perfume she liked when she was fifteen. It's another name for the Greek Goddess Demeter, goddess of harvest, fertility and family.
O OBSERVANT - What's around you right now? What do you see? A picture of me and Deroy, my nalgene water bottle, my Spore computer game, my stereo, my lamp, my shelf of DVDs...lotsa stuff.
P Who are the special PEOPLE in your life? Boyfriend, best friend, dad, mom, brother, cousins.
Q Any Little QUIRKs About Yourself: I believe in astrology more than I let on, animated movies make me happy; I used to act like a badass but I'm just a big softy.
R What do you like to do for RECREATION? Draw, write, try to learn something new about anything, play games with friends.
S Do You SING in the Shower? In the car? For your friends? In the shower, no. In the car, yes. For my friends? When I'm drunk. Maybe.
T What's at the Top of your TO DO list?: Finish this semester and get out of Phoenix.
U Any UNUSUAL Experiences: You mom was pretty unusual last night. No, really, my mom had this friend that we took to the renaissance fair once and she went totally nuts. That was pretty unusual. We had to get her back from security.
V VEGAS, Vienna, Venice, Vladivostok... How far have you traveled? What's your favorite City? I was last in Virginia, actually. That's the farthest I've been.
W WINTER, Spring, Summer, Fall... What's your favorite season? What makes it special? Anything but summer. I like colder seasons because I like warm drinks and blankets and smelling like a campfire hippie.
X EXes - Things You Don't Do Anymore (but did, once (would you, again?)) I used to dye my hair a lot but I haven't for about two years now. I would, but I'm not sure when.
Y Any secret/deep YEARNINGS? To have a normal conversation with some of the people I don't talk to anymore.
Z ZERO to ZENITH - Where are you in your life? Still growing? On an upward (or downward) curve? Just skating along? I've come a long way but I'm still growing and learning about myself. Definitely an upward curve.
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