Friday, July 8, 2011

My Childhood Ends July 15th

If you haven't watched this yet you ought to. I watched pretty much the entire thing (had some technical difficulties) and this last bit made any boringness completely worth it.

So the Harry Potter saga is ending, and being a die hard Potterhead I'm very very sad. I picked up the first book when I was eleven, the same age as Harry, and have been growing with him ever since. Half my life I've spent going to midnight premieres, standing in line for book releases, buying merchandise, having Harry Potter themed birthday parties and feeling like it'll never possibly end.
So I'm kind of depressed. Maybe some people don't get it but more people understand than the people that don't.
All I can say is I love this woman, for following through with her ideas, for creating a world to escape to and giving me something to look forward to year after year. And even though she made a joke about writing another one, I really really hope she changes her mind someday and does, and I know I'm not the only one.

I will read these books to my kids someday.

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