Monday, May 23, 2011

Favorite Super Hero(s)

See, I have to be really really careful with this one because I don't know as much about super heroes as my best friend does, and I'm afraid I'll sound pretty ignorant if I put up a hero she doesn't like and/or don't justify myself well enough. But I'll try, okay?

As expected I have to say my first choice is Batman. Though I've mostly just seen all the movies (including the terrible ones) and am not too hardcore in my fangirl-ness, I still enjoy the concept and the more I learn the more I like him. In general I just like that he became a hero on his own. His powers basically are money and knowledge. Without them he wouldn't be able to be Batman. Shit I'd kill for both of those.

I do love me some X-Men. Again, mostly based on the movies (though I did have a Gameboy game). I did see a few episodes of the show where they're all teenagers, and that's where I saw Nightcrawler. I don't know much about him; I think his name is Kurt and I don't know why he isn't quite human. I'm sure Deroy will enlighten me. But there's not very many things I would love more than teleporting in a puff of smoke. So I guess I'm mostly jealous of him. He wasn't as attractive as I wanted him to be in the movie but oh well.
Here's the Nightcrawler I'm in love with.
Sadly those are really all I can come up with. I love most of the X-Men and if I was allowed to pick super villains I'd go with The Joker and Poison Ivy. Pretty stereotypical of me.

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