Monday, March 28, 2011

Technically, "Day 8"

So I'm trying not to totally give up on my little blog. I've decided, however, I'm probably abandoning my laptop. Michael will let me use his until I decide what to do. Do I want a desktop? Absolutely. Do I have anywhere to put it right now? Uh, negatory. I have to discuss it with my dad, because any money I use for a computer is also supposed to go towards schooling later on. I don't know how later, because I don't think I'll need it for Glendale Community College, where I'm transferring. I'll be reapplying for financial aid just to see if I can get any more out of the government. I did enjoy being given $5,000 this year for essentially no reason.

So anyhow, it's about eight in the morning and I'm feeling up to a few entries today to do some catching up. I left off on Day 8: Something You Never Get Tired Of Doing.

Well I'll include a few things, because I always feel listing just one thing makes it kind of pointless and boring.

1. Eating Candy
Chocolate Covered Ding Dong Happy Face
I know I'm supposed to be growing up and whatnot, and eating lots of sugary things is supposed to be a child's habit, but I think my love for candy and the intensity of my sweet tooth has actually grown since I got out of High School. I can't resist going into a candy store and buying a bag of mixed treats. And I always love getting the stuff I can never find in Prescott. Cinnamon Bears, Rock Candy, Chocolate Covered Sunflower Seeds, Sour Belts, Jelly Belly's....I fucking love candy. I wish Fuziwigs hadn't left our mall. And Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. I usually can't just walk by if I've got a little bit of spending money. This habit and the big meals I eat with the Cook's definitely explains the weight gain when I stopped working out, but I'm happy to report I'm starting to lose some pounds and I'm getting back into being active. I have to really whip myself if I want to not feel guilty about my love for sweets. It's certainly better than a love for meth, yes?

2. Watching Favorite Movies 
 There's a few movies I've seen over and over and I know every line and I could hum the whole soundtrack but I'll still watch them, especially if I'm sick. It's a comfort thing. My love for movies has certainly grown, too. I can appreciate how they're made, and one of my favorite games to play is Recognize That Actor. I've gotten really really good at that. These movies include, but are not limited to:
-Hook, the movie about Peter Pan after he has grown up (even though he said he wouldn't). Hook kidnaps his kids and demands a war, and so Peter has to get in touch with his inner child again. I never get tired of it.
-Beetlejuice. A couple who dies wonders how to handle the afterlife when they seem to be trapped in their house. Looking for help, they find the wrong guy: a poltergeist named Beetlejuice. I love the soundtrack and how crazy it gets.
-The Breakfast Club. As I've said, I love 80's movies. But this one is just a classic. Five kids of different cliques spend a day in detention together, where social boundaries are pushed and lessons are learned. Awe. If you're one of those people who haven't seen it, shame on you.

There are a few more that are newer, but these are the top three. I also love Coraline, Wanted, and Jennifer's Body. I mean, I love movies, but there are those that make it to hard copy on my shelf and those that don't.

I'll call that good, because I want to get to a few more before I get too ADD. Plus, I need to eat breakfast eventually.

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