Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 20: Education

How important is education to you?

Well, very. Uneducated people really disgust me, and by that I mean the people who are too lazy to spell out whole words, use spell check, and don't know basic facts of life/the world. Ignorance is my biggest turn off, and it's even worse if said ignorant person doesn't care that they're ignorant, and they usually don't. What scares me is the theory of unintelligent people someday becoming the majority, like in the movie Idiocracy.

When you think about it, they certainly reproduce faster than intelligent people do, (who plan having kids) but a lot of people out there aren't careful enough with birth control simply because they don't care, and this dumbfounds me. Understandably accidents happen, but sometimes they know they're not using protection or that their protection isn't working as well as it should and they don't do anything about it for whatever reason.

Anyhow, I'm getting a little off track. I have always done well in school because I want to learn, and I want to keep learning my whole life. Use it or lose it, as they say, and I don't want to lose my brain and become a comatose elderly woman who wears diapers and flips off children without realizing I'm doing it. I also don't want to be fat, and in my opinion part of staying in shape also has to do with being educated about health and what's good for your body. 'Course there's other factors as well, but that's another story.

Admittedly I'm pretty bad at math, and since I want a job that doesn't really call for it, I don't see why I should take any more of it. I can also admit that this is ignorant, which is the first step to being more intelligent. It's just that I'd rather focus on my strong suits: writing and studying people. Where is math in this? No where. A lot of science scares me, too. It's the space thing, it's frightening.

I still consider myself slightly more above average intelligence, and I'm never going to stop learning and exploring, so I'll always be better off than your average closed minded idiot, thank you very much.

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