Thursday, December 23, 2010

Serious Catch Up Day

Technically, it's day twenty two of the photo challenge from where I started. FAIL. Feck. SO. Here goes:

Day Thirteen: A Photo Of One Of Your Favorite Movies

Charlie Bartlett: I just think you're missing the big picture.
Kip Crombwell: What big picture?
Charlie Bartlett: The universe.
Kip Crombwell: What about the universe?
Charlie Bartlett: Well, the universe is a pretty big place.
Kip Crombwell: Yea. It's infinite, theoretically.
Charlie Bartlett: Right, which means there's probably life on other planets.
Kip Crombwell: Not life like we think, but yeah. Probably at least single-cell organisms.
Charlie Bartlett: Well, see, that's my whole point. I mean you could've been born a single cell organism on the planet Zortex. In fact, given the odds, it's probably more likely, but you weren't. You we're born a human being. And not just any human being in the history of human beings, but a human being that gets to be alive today. That gets to listen to all kinds of music, that gets to eat food from every culture, that gets to download porn off the internet. So really, you have everything to live for.
Charlie Bartlett: Do you feel better?
Kip Crombwell: Not really. 

Day Fourteen: A Photo of Your Best Friend(s)

 My womens <3

Day Fifteen: A Photo Of You and a Family Member


Day Sixteen: A Photo From Your Childhood
I don't really have one of these on my computer. If you count childhood as being under eighteen, then the last picture could count haha. I suppose young adulthood is different though...Whatever, I fail. On to the next day.

Day Seventeen: A Photo of Something That Has Changed Your Life
 This is my Dad's second wife, (now divorced) and her son Scott. I love them both and they were once a major part of my life. Not being part of their family was a big and sudden change. I do my best to stay in touch with them to this day.

Day Eighteen: A Photo Of Your Town
 The view from The Resort window :)

Day Nineteen: A Photo That Makes You Laugh
Shh. Don't tell my mother I put this up. I just love this. These are the memories I want to keep when they're all I have left.

Day Twenty: A Photo Of Something You Ate Today
Er, I don't know why this is necessary. I had a Spicy Italian sammich from Subway, do you really gotta see a picture of it? Look it up on Google or go buy one yourself! They're delicious.

Day Twenty-One: A Photo of Someone You Find Attractive
Too easy.
I'm proud that I took this picture.

Day Twenty-Two: A Photo That You Associate a Good Memory With.
 This photo makes no sense at first. BUT, see the kid in the white shirt in the background? He's the stutterer I punched in the face when I told him to shut up or I'd punch him. It's my all time favorite story to tell, and I always feel like a badass when I think about it. The girl in the picture is Stef, and the boy she's wrestling is a friend of hers whos pretty damn chill. But seriously. Kid in the white. His name is Andy. He's a dumbass.

And that's that! Hot damn. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love you man <3
    And that is a REALLY good picture of Mikey. You should be proud that you took it!
    You're super handy with a camera :)
