Monday, June 13, 2011

100th Post!

I never do this, but for the sake of material for my 100th post in this blog since I began in November, I thought I'd share a little about the shopping spree I went on yesterday with some of my birthday money.

I was trying to find some comfortable yet cute clothes for South Carolina. It's supposed to be hot and humid, as mentioned in the previous entry. I've decided the only thing I'm wearing is dresses. So here's what I ended up buying yesterday:

1. The black version of my brown purse, which was falling apart. I'm gonna try to be nicer to this one. Rue 21
2. Beachy blue dress with interesting straps. Ross.
3. Crazy Alice in Wonderland's table cloth dress, which was so eccentric I liked it. Ross.
4. Blue necklace, on sale at Rue 21.
5. Strappy shiny blue and tan gladiator style sandals. Ross.

The everything being blue thing was kind of a coincidence. Once it started I kept it going. I like new stuff :)

Update Overhaul

The countdown till I begin the journey to South Carolina to see Mikey is down to seven days. Seven! I can't believe there's only a week left and I can't tell you how relieved I am. Each day gone is a little more weight off of my shoulders.
Bootcamp is probably the most difficult part when you're in a relationship. Snail mail is horrible, though handwritten letters are amazing, and timed phone calls such, though they're better than nothing. Everything has it's pros and cons.
Before I continue, funny facts about the photo on the left. Number one: he's not actually wearing a hat. It's edited onto his head. Number two: there is not flag in the background, that is also edited. Number three: this I'm not completely sure of, but there's a good chance his shoulders are editted as well. I know his friends' photo was like that. Why all that? I have no idea. It also looks like they airbrushed his face a little. I don't. know. why. It's weird.
Anyway, as I've mentioned before, this experience you either get through or you don't. And we've made it with flying colors. I've written him every day since he left, and his unit noticed how efficient I am and I actually got a request from his friend for some song lyrics. Another one of his "co-workers" drew me a picture for my birthday. We've made the best out of this situation, and we've actually been talking about getting married...
Pretty much any female I talk to wants to know: are you guys gonna get married? The answer is probably, most likely, but I don't know. And I'm fine with that. But he's started talking about it like we'll be married by the end of this year, which is crazy, and exciting. Since we've passed this long distance test so well, and neither of us want to be with anyone else, I have no doubts about it. We're young but I don't think either of us have ever been so sure about anything. It might be when I visit him in a week, it might be this summer, it might be December when I move to Virginia with him. I don't know, and I say that with a smile. The chances of us having a big to-do about it right away are slim. We're more likely to sign the papers and save up for a big shindig later on. My mom's not happy about that, but we'll do what we decide to do and be happy no matter what.
Mikey seems to be disappointed with bootcamp, actually. I think he wanted it to be more hardcore than it was, but personally I'm glad it's been so easy for him. I've heard a lot of horror stories and I'm just glad he's safe and got through it. He passed his graduation requirements on Thursday and is now embarking on the Victory Forge, a four day camping trip that tests all the skills he's learned. Once he's back he says he gets his phone for personal time for the rest of the week! But he told me there were a few things he did that he built up in his head before and was disappointed after. I think he thought it would feel like a life and death scene from a movie, and it didn't, so he felt let down. I dunno, like I said, he's safe and that's all that matters to me.
Now I'm just trying to keep myself busy. I have to get my transmission replaced in my poor car (but my dad is awesome so I get to keep my money) so I'm mostly borrowing my mom's van and getting rides till then. I've got my movies and games and hard drive, and a few hours at work before I'm all done there and otherwise I'm enjoying spontaneous adventures with whoever wants to hang out.
I'm going to South Carolina with Michael's parents, but it's very likely that I'm staying a little longer to hang out with him during the weekend and fly back by myself. I'm nervous about the whole thing, and we're still working out last minute details, but I'm super excited. It's really hot and even more humid over there, so I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for wet heat instead of the Arizona dry heat here. I can't wait! We leave the 20th, spend the night in Phoenix, and take the four hour flight to SC the next morning. Family day is the 22nd, Graduation is the 23rd, and then I tag along with Mikey to report to AIT in Virginia.

There's so much epic change coming up. Not only am I not a teenager anymore, but in one year I'm moving twice and I might even get married. Holy shit. I'm so ready to start traveling!

Movies Movies Movies

(I'm way overdue for a post, I've been neglecting this blog big time! But no worries, after this post I have a more serious update.)

So I've been doing my best to keep busy while Mikey's been at bootcamp, and I've found that one of my favorite things to do is go to Hastings and browse their movies. If you look through the used DVDs, you can buy one and get one for a dollar (of equal or lesser value, of course). This stack you see to the left is all the dvds I couldn't resist adding to my collection since April. With these and Mikey's hard drive, I've had some pretty epic movie marathons. No shame, I love movies and there are a lot of days I don't mind putting one in after the other. On top of that I'm also guilty of watching the same movies over and over, especially if I just got them.

There's something about physically owning movies, cases and all, that's just so much more satisfying than having them downloaded on a drive. Although, I did get a terabyte hard drive for my birthday, so I'll probably be doing a lot of illegal downloading this summer, but I do plan to keep buying my favorites.

So here's a brief summary of these movies and why I chose to take them home:

1. Mean Girls. It was one of those things where I'd been wanting to watch it so so bad for months and I couldn't find it whenever I looked for it. It's kind of dumb, but this is probably one of my favorite movies. It's so quotable, and the message is so great, it runs through my head all the time.
2. Fired Up. I brought this up in a blog a little while ago, stating that it's one of those better-than-you think movies, and I still stand by that.
3. Van Wilder. Mikey showed me this one, because he has a man crush on Ryan Renolds. I do like this for the most part, though I'm not a fan of Tara Reid and there's a gross prank scene that makes me want to vomit.
4. Easy A. Too good not to own. There's not much to explain. Emma Stone references all of my favorite 80's movies and puts on a great performace. Had to have it.
5. Red Eye. I haven't watched this since I bought it, and it's such a contrast to the other movies, but it's definitely good. I don't think I should watch it before I get on an airplane. Cillian Murphy and Rachel McAdams, what more do I have to say?
6. Gigantic. Caught this on TV one day and ended up really liking it. However, I'm getting kind of sick of Zooey Deschanel always playing the quirky unique girl no one can have. Still, I bought it, mostly for Mikey's sake because he loves her.
7. Red. Retired: Extremely Dangerous. Cheesy yet badass movie about retired CIA agents who are on a mission to figure out why they're being hunted down. Very good stuff, worth having on my shelf.
8. Charlie Bartlett. I was long overdue in buying this, I should've had it after the first time I watched it when it was new(er). It's so funny, and so good, if you haven't seen it, go find it. If you have, watch it again.
9. Sunshine Cleaning. Yet another movie I caught on TV with Mikey. It was odd, but charming, and very cheap at Hastings, so I thought why not?
10. Bring It On. I bought this out of nostalgia, because as a preteen my friends and I watched this all. the time. We sang to the soundtrack and quoted it all. the time. And when you watch it again later you kind of think "why did I love this movie so much?" but I still enjoy it to an extent. And, coincidentally, there's a scene in Fired Up where they're all watching it.
11. Bedazzled. I have a crush on both Brenden Frasier and Elizabeth Hurley. The devil is supa hot.  I needed it. Enough said.
12. Black Swan. Intense mind fuck movie. If you haven't seen it yet do so, then buy it because it's worth it.
13. My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Also out of nostalgia because I used to watch it with my mom a lot, but it's kind of adorable anyway, and I actually like it more since I'm grown up (so to speak) and uh *coughthinkingaboutmarriagecough*.
14. The A Team. For my and Mikey's one year anniversary we were both pretty broke, so we got some cheap pizza, ate it outside of the theatre and saw A Team, which was badass. I had to buy it for all of those reasons.

I love movies. But my relationship with Michael has also revolved around them. That happens when you meet at a movie theatre. So I like just sitting around watching them imagining he's here. I'll make him watch them with me later :)